A gaiff y fath bechadur?

(Pechadur achubedig)
A gaiff y fath bechadur,
  Sydd ffiaidd, aflan, noeth,
O flaen dy orsedd sefyll,
  Pan elo'r byd yn boeth?
Pryd hyn caf eglur wybod,
  Beth yw cyfammod rhad,
A chanu i'm hanwylyd,
  Yn hyfryd dŷ fy Nhad.

O Arglwydd, dysg i'm chwilio
  Pur wirioneddau'r gair,
Nes dod o hyd i'r Ceidwad,
  Fu gynt ar liniau Mair:
Mae ef yn Dduw galluog,
  Mae'n gadarn i iachâu;
Er cymmaint yw fy llygredd,
  Mae'n ffynnon i'm glanhau.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

[Mesur: 7676D]

  Am graig i adeiladu
  Dyma odfa newydd (O Arglwydd dyro rym)

(A saved sinner)
Shall such a sinner get, who
  Is detestable, unclean, naked, 
Before thy throne to stand,
  When the world gets hot?
Then I shall get to know clearly,
  What is the free covenant,
And to sing to my beloved,
  In the delightful house of my Father.

O Lord, teach me to search
  The pure truth of the word,
Until finding the Saviour,
  Who was once on Mary's knees:
He is mighty God,
  He is strong to heal;
Despite how great is my corruption,
  He is a spring to cleanse me.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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